Blonde Redhead
dream popindie rocknu gazeshoegaze
Fake Can Be Just as Good

Blonde Redhead / Fake Can Be Just as Good (Vinyl)
김밥레코즈 서울 홍대
La Mia Vita Violenta

Blonde Redhead / La Mia Vita Violenta (Jewel Red Vinyl, Numero 902)
김밥레코즈 서울 홍대
Blonde Redhead

Blonde Redhead / Blonde Redhead (Astro Boy Blue Vinyl, Numero 901)
김밥레코즈 서울 홍대
In an Expression of the Inexpressible

Blonde Redhead / In an Expression of the Inexpressible (Vinyl)
김밥레코즈 서울 홍대